Rep Steve King: Obama’s Minimum Wage Hike ‘Constitutional Violation’

Something tells me his majesty doesn’t care that raising the federal contractors minimum wage $10.10 through executive order is a violation of his power. What I would like to ask Rep King as well as other members of our impotent Congress who say the hike is a ‘Constitutional violation’ is what are you going to do about it? They all keep talking about how he violates the law but they aren’t doing anything about it! Don’t hold your breath for SCOTUS to rule against him either, even if they do who will physically stop him?

I keep hearing pundits talk about how many executive orders this president did and that president that are more or the same number as the emperor. Uh huh that might be true however, what were the orders? They are leaving out in what context those other presidents executive orders were. Are we talking about simple “taco night” EO’s vs violating actual “law of the land” aka obamacare EO’s? I get very angry when I hear people saying this. Fine Bush and Clinton made just as many executive orders as obama, then tell me how many of them were dictatorial in nature, violating the law if you want to make that statement because there is a big difference!