Constitutional Atty Warns Obama’s “Dangerous” Expansion of Power Threatens Liberty

Professor Jonathan Turley, of George Washington Universities School of Law, joined Megyn Kelly to discuss the imperial emperors ever-growing “dangerous” expansion of power. The system of government built to stop authoritarian power is now being threatened through executive power. The democrats were up in arms anytime Bush waved his magic pen but when obama does it they turn a blind eye enabling unilateral action. This level of ignorance is dangerous as they are enabling an authoritarian government which puts the entire nation at risk over their selfish desire for money power and control.

disapprove obama bypass congress EO bypass congress

“Well we still have the Supreme Court”… No we don’t, keep in mind the Supreme Court cannot be trusted either as Chief Justice Roberts pulled a Brutus stabbing the people in the back when he allowed obamacare to be treated as a tax upholding the corrupt law. Congress as we know is useless, both branches have become politicized and corrupt failing to keep the Executive Branch in line. After Kelly suggests the options to stop obama via taking funds away (failed ex defunding obamacare), impeachment(off the table with Reid controlling the Senate) or filing lawsuits (one of our last options) the professor points out the federal courts are “engaged in a policy of avoidance”. This will get worse as time goes on because obama is now stacking the federal court system with radical judges that go unchallenged now that Harry Reid has invoked the nuclear option stopping the minority party from filibustering those appointments!

That said IMO our system of checks and balances has collapsed & failed, the US is in distress!

Oh one last thing, take note boys and girls Prof Turley is a lefty!