Rush: This is Way Beyond a Banana Republic Now This is Stalinism

The imperial emperor is now more or less legislating from the imperial throne room and Congress continues to prove their impotence by remaining silent. Through the thugocracy businesses will be criminalized if they fire people because of obamacare. Since when can a president dictate that a business making staffing decisions based on costs/ expenses to KEEP THE DOORS open be turned in crimes?! This is insane and there is NO ONE coming to our rescue! That opportunity came and went October 2013 and we saw exactly where our “leaders” stand with putting a stop to obamacare. All those representatives and senators who swore the last election they would do whatever it took to stop obamacare had their bluff called and they bailed. They left the few Rebels in Congress like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul standing alone.

So seeing that Congress is completely useless explain why many of you will continue to keep hese wastes of flesh in power? Since they are useless why not, at this point, take a chance and give their primary challenger a shot? For example Mitch McConnell, what has he done for the people? He is Harry Reid-lite, he does not act in the best interests of the American people so why not throw him out replacing him with Matt Bevin @ MATTBEVIN.COM? Pete Sessions is another one who should go, being primary challenged by Katrina Pierson @ KATRINAFORCONGRESS.COM What do we have to lose at this point by throwing these lousy SOB’s out and replacing them? Who care what Karl Rove has to say too, the guy blew just about half a BILLION dollars in 2012 and lost. Rove loses more elections than he wins and he is the strong-arm behind these incumbent wastes of flesh!