Fmr Greenpeace Co-Founder Says Climate Change is “Nasty Combination of Extreme Political Ideology and a Religious Cult”

Climate change, global warming whatever you want to call it next to obamacare and obama’s very presidency is the biggest fraud on the planet. It is in fact a vehicle created by radical progressives for wealth redistribution, power and control as is everything they champion. I will assume Patrick Moore will be attacked by emperor obama, his court jester John Kerry who just recently called climate change deniers flat earth society?!

Is the planet warming/ cooling? Yes on both because it is going through constant changes. There is no proof humans have caused the warming of the planet let alone the record cooling or have some of you already forgotten about the polar vortex? The climate change truthers never speak about the impact a fractional change in the temperature of the Sun will have on the Earth. To this day they have yet to explain how the ice age came about but even better how the planet heated up enough to melt all the ice and glaciers that covered the planet. They base their science on computer models using recent data to do projections that IDIOTS like Al Gore swear by.