Mother of Sick Daughter Demands Apology From Harry Reid

This challenge Eileen Benthal made to Reid to make a $30K donation will go unanswered as he is a spineless corrupt politician who lies incessantly UNCHALLENGED by fellow Congressional colleagues but worst off Nevada citizens.

Eileen Benthal also called Reid out to say obamacare horror stories are false to her face… America isn’t it about time YOU GOT IN REID’S FACE? I want to know WHY with all the horrors of obamacare DC is a ghost town? I want to know why Reid’s office is blocked with people camping out to confront him not only over obamacare but all the other injustices he has committed against the American people. I want to know why the Capitol is empty today from obamacare protesters, especially being the 5 year anniversary of the TEA Party movement? Last but not least I want to know WHY the citizens of Nevada continue to sit idly by leaving this outright destroyer of the Republic in power.

Harry Reid is one of the most despicable, miserable sorry excuse of a human being on the face of the Earth. If a Republican majority leader was to do and say everything Reid has done they would already have been thrown out of office. But once again this country refuses to do what is necessary while people sit and complain about this monster. People whine and call for the impeachment of obama well how about you throw out Harry Reid?

Shame on all of you! I stand by my call for a national BOYCOTT against the state of Nevada over the refusal its citizens to recall Harry Reid!