Tingles: Republicans Are Using CBO Report as Way to Rationalize Hatred for Obama

According to the is certified lunatic anyone who opposes 0bama is a hater. We oppose his agenda, we oppose his radical policies, we oppose his use of executive orders/ actions to bypass the rule of law, so because we express our opposition we’re haters? Using the same logic doesn’t that mean Tingles, all of MSDNC as well as all progressives have a hatred towards the right?

The CBO report is independent and factual and actually I find most of these reports to be inaccurate! They tend to tell only half of how bad things will be! Regardless if the report says people will lose their jobs as a result of obamacare how does that equate in hatred towards 0bama? Progressive drones like Tingles are the only ones invoking hate on a daily basis because they do not want the truth to get out about the massive amount of destruction their boy king is doing to this nation!