DC Man Found Guilty After Carrying Replica Bullets

Kangaroo court and laws come to mind for DC… Mark Witaschek was sentenced to time served and $50 fine but the fact this he has to register as a firearms offender is insane! I’m curious will DC prosecutors be aggressively pursuing NBC’s David Gregory who was in possession of a 30 round magazine? Will a SWAT team be going into his home putting him in cuffs, scare his family etc? No no elitists who are friends to the power structure are exempt and can do anything they want, where as we the subjects will get punished to the full letter of the law like Mark Witaschek.

As Emily Miller explains one of the main problems with this case is a technocrat, appointed DC attorney general Irvin Nathan, who hates guns and gun owners unless you’re a friend like Gregory! This abuse of power by elitists especially those appointed must come to an end.