March 31, 2014 was the deadline to be enrolled NOT signed up for barackobamacare… the law of the land. The imperial regime has once again LEGISLATED from the imperial throne room while the impotent irrelevant Congress remains silent. If this law was such an overwhelming success why 38 delays and changes? This should be quite telling that the signups are not even meeting the 7 million enrollment goal to make this crap law work. We have yet to find out how many people have paid for their crap health plan even though this govt knows every keystroke we make?! That of course is because the payment system is not up yet so all of you out there who did signup if you haven’t paid anyone yet you aren’t enrolled.
This is probably the reason for the law to be changed again unilaterally by this corrupt administration and it only solidifies they haven’t met the numbers they need to make it work. So because of this those who are getting through the website, when it works, are learning their premiums have doubled and tripled along with their deductibles. The handful that is under govt controlled healthcare are footing the bill the those signing up for free healthcare!
What should be more concerning in this clip is Stirewalt stating a bailout has already been factored in for the health insurers to the tune of $5 billion tax payer dollars! So not only are single gay men getting maternity care and senior citizens getting pediatric dental coverage but they along with all Americans tax dollars will be going to bail out insurers!
That’s obamamerica!