State Dept Propaganda Minister Claims They Have Been ‘Looking At’ a Long-Term Strategy Against ISIL For A Year

Yea sure so what you biding your time or something for the perfect opportunity to do something about the innocent people being exterminated by ISIL? Clearly the death toll hasn’t gone high enough to care. Maybe when there are a few 100’s Christians left it will be the right time to do something!? Everyone was given clear warnings from Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney and a few others overt the last couple years the caliphate was coming. This admin chose to sit back and do nothing about it putting not only Americans but people all around the world in danger.

These terrorists, ISIL/ ISIS, are so bad Al Qaeda wants nothing to do with them! Got it? If they say they will hit American interests you can bank on it, but this admin continues to treat them like a JV team!

This “woman”, Marie Harf, is a certified disgrace to the US govt, holding a masters degree in Goebbels Propaganda 101 working diligently on her doctorate! This State Dept and the US govt is actively engaged in getting people killed for political points where is the public outrage?