CNN Guest: ‘How Dare We’ Cut Off Liberia Flights When ‘American Slavery’ Created That Country

Uh huh…


….. David Quammen is a perfect example supporting the argument that liberalism is a mental disorder.(he has to be a card-carrying leftist!) This clown wants to inject race into this life threatening disease!? The US should just let all the infected into the country because it’s our responsibility?! Seriously?! I don’t care how many books he wrote on Ebola, you walk down any street in the US and ask anyone if they think flights should be banned from West Africa the majority will say yes. Quammen is a sample of the handful who will say otherwise but guess what the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one!

You can isolate neighborhoods and to a degree isolate nations if you want to! The question comes down to the will of those who feel threatened. But in this PC world we live in we have to let the sick walk among the people because we don’t want to offend them! No one is saying don’t help Liberia, but we are saying we don’t want you here or anywhere else because we all have a right to live!

The US has NO responsibility to help Liberia or any nation for that matter. Let’s be honest, we act when it suits our best interests. To not institute a travel ban is reckless, irresponsible and dangerous especially on a third world nation. When Americans start dying from this disease those who survive will be pointing the finger of blame at idiots like this!