Holder: Ferguson Leakers Need to ‘Shut Up’

The Attorney General is just mad that the truth is getting out that the Ferguson shooting, like the Zimmerman/Martin shooting, was not racially driven. Holder’s DOJ stepped in not to make sure justice was done but to do whatever he could to make it a race issue to divide this nation. That divide he and obama wants in theory equates to votes and power for the race hustling industry. The more people they have convinced race is at issue the mor , they think will go to the polls to keep them and their kind in power. Race hustlers won’t be happy until there is a full-on race riot (war) with people shooting each other from both sides because this opens the door for a power grab.

Unfortunately this nitwit hasn’t seen the recent video of Chicago activists or heard the grandmother going against the democrat party. The black community and Americans in general, not just one race, are waking up to the lies and deceit from the democratic party. People are learning they’re being used and abused by radicals like Holder and obama but are slowly rising up. Time will tell if this is true starting Nov 4th!