A “spineless squish” is exactly what this ESTABLISHMENT tool is! Sorry Johnny your Sith lord mind-tricks will have no affect on true conservatives, we’re wise to what you are up to!
Since the Speaker likes to brag about his accomplishments who:
– rammed through $1 TRILLION CRomnibus with the help of obama? Boehner
– supported raising the debt limit? Boehner
– is opposed to the repeal of obamacare? Boehner
– opposed to auditing the Fed? Boehner
– has surrendered Constitutional powers of the purse to obama? Boehner
– opposed the Massie amendment to reform the NSA from spying on/ collecting Americans meta data? Boehner
– filed frivolous lawsuit against obama’s lawless actions that’s gone nowhere? Boehner
– has railed against the TEA Party and conservatives? Boehner
– was against the bill to stop the IRS from targeting conservatives? Boehner
– is against stopping the EPA’s overreach on water? Boehner
Are these the positions of an anti-establishment Speaker? Boehner IS THE ESTABLISHMENT and he pals around with obama all the time letting him bum cigarettes off him between golf rounds! This is such an insult to Americans by a man who is just as drunk with power as obama. The fact that a few conservatives who voted against him have lost committee appointments etc is proof.
Boehner is the head of the republican party/GOP and as I stated they are done. The party has gone the way of the Whig Party. We have tried in 3 elections to take the party back from the establishment and failed. It’s time for legit conservatives to break from the GOP and form a new Conservative Party.