While we await the official word from the DOJ that their racist witch hunt against Ofc Darren Wilson was a failure, Sheriff David Clarke had some choice words for the #1 racist in the US…
Eric Holder and Al Sharpton have both clammed up over the last couple weeks after stoking racial fires in the US. When Wilson is officially exonerated from charges of racism for defending himself against a thug criminal why are Americans willing to accept the damage done and move on? There were riots, property burned and destroyed, people assaulted, livelihoods destroyed etc since this all started no thanks to a full packs of lies and race-baiting by these two. Wilson will most likely face civil lawsuit from Michael Brown’s family but what about all the other victims from the race baiting Holder and Sharpton did? Why isn’t someone going after them? Are we to believe there are no attorneys willing to sue Sharpton and Holder but plenty more than willing to file suit against guys like Darren Wilson? The real NO JUSTICE NO PEACE is against all Americans where these two (and obama) can stoke the flames of racism and hate, be proven wrong leaving a path of destruction behind them, never being held responsible!