Getting tired of this subliminal messaging from Trump and his surrogates that if he isn’t crowned the GOP nominee there will be riots that “aren’t necessarily a bad thing” or in this case not violent.
I’ve looked I cannot find an example of a riot that was peaceful. The media by bringing this up repeatedly are showing their cards they want to see a riot at the GOP convention! Why? Because a riot will mean YUUGE ratings for the crap media along with providing them plenty of bashing material to prop Hillary up. Remember my warning: since when has it ever been a good thing when the leftist media is more or less picking the GOP candidate? They only do this to the candidate they know they can destroy. In a sane world the GOP should be heading to the hills away from Trump over the media love fest for him. Mark my words if/ when he wins the nomination the liberal media WILL PULL THE AXES out and completely destroy him.
Now let’s have some education here because Trump and EVERYONE who is backing him, which is the majority of hosts and “talent” at Fox News, seem to think if he has a majority or plurality of wins he should be the nominee. It doesn’t work that way, never has.
As of now, a candidate MUST HAVE 1,237 delegates to win the nomination, not 1000, 1100, 1200. Delegates are committed to whomever wins them, which means if Trump wins 1000, Cruz has 800 and Kasich has 200, those 1000 delegates between Cruz and Kasich (not to mention all the others for Rubio etc) CANNOT vote/ BE FORCED to vote for Trump with the first ballot at the convention just because he has the most. Those delegates have to vote for whomever they have promised to vote for. With the second ballot it’s fair game it could go to Trump or Cruz BUT NOT Kasich because under Rule 40 he has to win 8 contests, which he hasn’t and won’t.
It is very disturbing how so much misinformation is being pushed on people by surrogates and the media of how this works. This race is not about who gets closest to 1,237 by the convention to win the nomination.
Close, majority, plurality “will of the people” doesn’t count to naming the winner of the nomination. 1,237 is the magic number.
Now as for Clovis threatening to the leave the GOP, you’re a bit late pal most of us already left! This election is the final nail in the GOP’s coffin, they’ve gone the way of the Whig Party.