Judge Jeanine: Clinton Used Private Email Server to Hide Foundations Pay-Play Scheme

“Bill and Hillary Clinton are the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics”

Pirro lays out the criminal money laundering syndicate hidden between the Clinton Foundation and State Dept. It’s abundantly clear Hillary Clinton used her own email server to maintain control over her emails so she could hide her backroom dealings to enrich herself and Bill through the State Dept with payoffs going to the Clinton Foundation. From 2000-2009 Bill Clinton wasn’t making much on the speaking circuit, then Hillary becomes Sec of State and their net worth skyrocketed!

If any of us held a high-ranking govt job and negligently handled top-secret/ classified material we would be in jail.

If any of us held a high-ranking govt job and took payoffs to a “family run charity” in return for favors and govt access etc we would be in jail.

We can complain all we want America, but when we have a FBI Dir, James Comey, and DOJ Chief, Loretta Lynch, who will not take action there’s nowhere left for us to turn. Hillary Clinton being a free woman as of today continues to confirm the US is a Banana Republic where elitists are free to live lawless lives because they can.