Ted Cruz: Media Doesn’t Want Trump to Succeed, Protests Show ‘Hypocrisy on Rank Display From the Left’ (Video)

Ted Cruz appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss his visit with Pres-Elect Trump and the agenda they’re looking to implement to put America back on top.

When Cruz was asked about the media being critical of the Trump transition team being in chaos he said the media doesn’t ‘want the President [Trump] to succeed’. It would have been nice for the Senator to expand on this making it clear the media is on record now being complete and total liars. Nothing they say should be believed, anything you see should be verified before you plaster it all over social media. If you don’t have video or audio of someone saying whatever is being reported it would be wise to pass on it. This is why 99% of the material you find on this site is video.

Cruz then responded to the protests ripping into the left over their ‘hypocrisy on rank display from the left. All of the folks who jumped on their high horse and were lecturing to President-elect Trump. You’ve got to accept the results of the election! Look these are now the idiots that are protesting in the street and laying their bodies down in front of cars and disrupting traffic…’

Idiots sums it up defining the left at this point. No one is sure where Ted Cruz will fit in with this administration. Many are hoping to see him appointed Attorney General or maybe even SCOTUS. While that sounds great, WHO would replace him, Mike Lee, Trey Gowdy or some other names from Congress (and Govs) being thrown around? THINK America, if we lose some of these rebels in Congress who will take their place to keep the progressives (R’s & D’s) in check!?

Sorry to be party downer but someone has to keep you all in reality!