Elections have consequences.
San Antonio, TX federal judge Orlando Garcia, appointed by Bill Clinton, blocked Texas from enforcing a ban on sanctuary cities. The state legislature passed the law yet 1 federal judge overrides them, putting state/ national security at risk. As Mark Levin argues we not only need Term Limits for Congress and SCOTUS but also for federal judges. After a President is gone their radical legacy continues on through rogue federal judges who are political activists.
Sanctuary cities are lawless zones, they put citizens in danger. Those who favor and support them care more about illegal aliens than US citizens. They are magnets for criminals and more importantly terrorists!
Unfortunately it is going to take another tragic terror related event for people to learn their lesson.
San Antonio judge blocks Texas’ sanctuary cities law
by Jason Buch and Guillermo Contreras | ExpressNews
A federal judge halted most of Texas’ ban on sanctuary cities Wednesday — two days before the law was to take effect.
City of San Antonio officials who were challenging the law claimed victory while state leaders vowed to appeal the ruling, but it remained unclear Wednesday night what impact it would have on a San Antonio Police Department policy preventing officers from asking about immigration status. City staff and lawyers working on the case said they would have more information Thursday.
In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia halted penalties for officials who endorse policies in violation of Senate Bill 4, saying it likely violates the First Amendment. SB 4 allows the attorney general to fine or remove from office local officials who “adopt, enforce, or endorse a policy under which the entity or department prohibits or materially limits the enforcement of immigration laws.” The law also creates penalties for local officials who block police from asking about immigration status.
In his ruling, Garcia wrote that although police can ask about immigration status of a person “under a lawful detention or under an arrest,” as described in the law, there’s very little police can do after that.
“If for example, during a lawful stop an officer obtains information that the detained individual is undocumented, the officer may not arrest the individual or prolong the detention on this basis,” Garcia wrote. “However, under SB 4, officers are permitted — again, not required — to share this information with ICE, or other appropriate federal agencies, or law enforcement entities.”…more