Nice headline huh! Mass genocide is what Nancy Sinatra was saying before she finally decided to delete the tweets, there were 2, calling for the execution of 5m+ NRA members. What’s even more scary, and should concern everyone, is the number of people who “Liked” the tweets. Keep in mind the number shown is just an estimate, there’s no way to know how many “Liked” at the time of deletion!
What kind monster calls for mass genocide against people young and old because they’re members of an organization that defends their inalienable rights??
Aside from Sinatra’s call for mass genocide, consider this insane hypocritical logic she uses: She hates guns but wants to use them to execute people under a F I R I N G squad!?!?
Nancy Sinatra epitomizes the hateful, violent, unhinged, dangerous Left. She also seems to think the NRA makes laws. They don’t, yes they lobby, but it is Congress who creates the bills and POTUS signs them into law. That said Sinatra also demonstrates a lack of knowledge how our govt works… not surprising for a Hollywood elitist.
Unfortunately, there are some unhinged types on the Right who will no doubt threaten Sinatra. She will seek out protection and possibly a weapon for herself, or maybe she already owns one. Well because of her calls for genocide, Nancy Sinatra should be deemed a national security risk, should be denied access to firearms (if she owns any, maybe ones her father owned, should be confiscated), and under federal investigation! And that goes for any and everyone who using such vile, dangerous language. This is what the Left is calling for, so do it to them! By the way, have you noticed they couldn’t careless over 57 dead in Chicago in Sept? Anyway, you Leftists want to play with the big boys and girls then be prepared for the legal consequences. She’s got the money, she can pay for armed security like most of the hypocrites in Hollywood.
As warned on this site, prior to Oct 2nd, numerous times, this type of rhetoric will lead to another Alexandria… Sinatra’s rhetoric and that of many Leftist celebrities, political pundits etc following the terrorist act of Oct 2nd WILL LEAD TO ANOTHER LAS VEGAS.
How many of the people who liked Sinatra’s comment are unstable like Paddock, or Hodgkinson? How many Leftists going absolutely apeshit right now threatening the NRA, pro-Second Amendment people/ activists, are mentally unstable like them?
Hollywood, democrats and unhinged Leftists want the NRA to take responsibility for something they had nothing to do. We have no confirmation of which weapons, of the 23 in Paddock’s room, were used in the attack, regardless it’s the NRA and its members fault!? And because it’s our fault (yours truly is a member), we all should be executed.
Tell you what Nancy, and your ilk, try it…
Cold civil war we’re in is now warm… prepare.
For those wondering, this is the tweet, and only one Ive ever sent her way, that triggered Sinatra to block me!
Based on what.@NancySinatra said should be prohibited frm ever owning firearm.@ATFHQ&should be under investigation.@FBI calling for genocide
— SavingtheRepubliccom (@BMartin1776) October 5, 2017