Rep DeSantis: Democrats Care More About Illegal Immigrants Than Military

Rep Ron DeSantis dropped a nice truth bomb over this insane debate over illegal immigration. It is absurd that funding for the military and other programs are being held hostage by the democrat party in exchange for amnesty! DeSantis should’ve have really said, democrats care more about illegal aliens than Americans. This fact needs to really set in with people because there are not enough people making it clear. All we hear day in and day out, outside of the Trump attacks, from the media, democrat politicians and pundits is undocumented immigrants this, DACA that, illegal immigrants this, DREAMers are US citizens etc. It’s insulting really and infuriating really.

Democrats only care about illegals because they want votes. I’ve beaten it to death here but will continue to say it, democrats know changing the demographics will lead to one party rule. They did in California which is now under permanent one party rule that has destroyed the state, which now leads the country for high poverty. They control everything CA, have high taxes, high cost of living are extremely anti-Second Amendment while giving illegal aliens and radical unhinged Leftists free rein to do as the please. The dems want to reproduce that shift in power for the entire country. There can be NO deal on DACA granting amnesty, access to social entitlement programs etc as spelled out here.

It’s shameful how the democrat party gets away with holding this country hostage all the time for their twisted ideology. When will the GOP and the people start standing up to these monsters?