“We got a guy who gets up every morning and excretes the feces of his moral depravity into a nation he has turned into a psychic commode.That’s what he’s done. And he’s a bigot-in-chief and a racist in residence.”
Prof Michael Eric Dyson felt completely comfortably, being among progressive liberals ,like himself, on The View, to launch one of the most vile vicious attacks to date against President Trump. The clapping seals in attendance of course welcomed the vile vulgar attack comparing the President t shit and the United States a toilet!
If the attack and false claims of Trump being a bigot and racist weren’t enough Dyson then went on to praise Hillary Clinton as if she is a god,
“She has more knowledge in her little finger than this man has in his entire body, and on top of that, she also possessed the kind of integrity. We were doubtful of her? Look at this mendacious, relentlessly lying, bigoted, ill-informed person that we have. He has the fleshly thesaurus of white supremacy reduced to one body.”
.. before also attacking Republicans calling them racists for not reaching out to conservative blacks. Is this guy for real? Republicans have been reaching out to black conservatives to get off the democrat plantation, this RACIST defends, and are welcome with open arms!
The only racists in this country are people like Dyson and the democrat party who are responsible for keeping black community down, Jim Crow and slavery. For the record democrats, ORIGINAL Dixiecrats (Dem Charlie Rangel liked to pin on GOP), were the ones who chose to go to war over it!