5 “Republicans” Voted With “Democrats” to Move Forward With Impeachment Trial

Sen Paul took to the Senate floor to stop the never-ending witch hunt against President Trump, calling a point of order the impeachment trial is unconstitutional against a private citizen. The Senate voted 55-45, where 5 “Republicans”* voted with their “Democrat”* overlords to move forward with the trial set for Feb 9th.

The 5 “republicans” that should be no surprise are

Susan Collins
Lisa Murkowski
Mitt Romney
Ben Sasse
Pat Toomey

These 5 monsters have joined the 10 in the House (we should have a name for them…. McCain wing of the GOP) telling voters they are not seeking re-election when their term is up. If there is a way to recall them now it’s highly recommended voters take that action to remove the SOB’s from power ASAP.

It is time for the American people to rise up, making it clear to these people in DC WE ARE THEIR MASTERS, THEY DO WHAT WE WANT. Romney has a serious problem understanding this, he thinks he can do whatever he wants! The other 4 are just wastes of flesh at this point. Lisa, Susan always follow dems on serious issues, Toomey has shown himself to be a weakling doing whatever McConnell sets in motion and Sasse – well he is arrogant jerk with a superiority complex who deserves to be thrown out.

You have 2 jobs America:
The first is get control over who runs elections and counts the ballots
The second is to throw ALL these backstabbing monsters out of power.

BUT understand this – NOTHING will change in DC, or at state level, until WE get control over the elections. Progressives MUST be run out of controlling the elections or all this talk of primary challenges to a third party are DOA.

* Why am I writing “Republicans” and “Democrats” in quotes? The majority of modern day republicans are nothing like their constituents – Constitutional Conservatives. They are in fact what democrats were 40-50+ years ago. Some like to call them RINO’s but we’re past that now.
The majority of modern day “Democrats” are socialists, many are really closet communists. If the title of this post read 5 RINO’s Voted With Socialists the algorithms of the Big Tech gods would guarantee no one ever sees this post. Could have titled it what they really are, Progressives, but that would go over most people’s head too.