Biden Refuses to Answer Press Questions About Border Crisis

After handing off control of the southern border invasion to the harlot, the illegitimate individual occupying the Oval Office refused to take questions from the media, who worked very hard deceiving America to get them into power!

And why won’t he take questions on the fly? Because he cannot answer questions he is not prepared for. Think about it, this man has been in power for 2 mos and has yet to give a press conference nor the State of the Union. We’re told he will be giving a presser Mar 25, which you can be sure he is preparing for as he did for debates. This guy takes 2 mos to prepare for O N E press conference, where the questions are fielded ahead of time, it will be scripted and narrow.

Xiden is in complete cognitive decline, he is incapable of doing the job. This is why his regime is directing the media and other entities to address it as the “Biden-Harris Administration”. They’re conditioning everyone for when she takes over, most likely after SHE invokes the 25th Amendment to remove him. Why do you think he tapped her to handle the border? Because it is chaos, and he can’t handle it -> be held responsible for the damage he has caused to date. Now it’s on her, when she’s not laughing about it, not that it matters with the damage they’ve done.

Regardless, this feeble old man is nothing but a puppet who does what he is told, protected by everyone around him to cover the biggest crime in US history = theft of the Presidency and the destruction of the USA.