Mother of Fallen Marine GOES OFF on Biden: “Feckless, Dementia Ridden Piece of Crap!”

Fallen US Marine Rylee McCollum’s mother, Kathy, called into the Andrew Wilkow radio show where she went off on biden, as well as the democrats who voted and cheated to install him in the White House, for killing her son!!

Don’t really have much to say because she says it all, no tears just anger. There isn’t one thing she says that NONE of us aren’t thinking and feeling, granted we haven’t lost a loved one over this unnecessary catastrophe the illegitimate regime created, we still feel the anger she’s expressing.

‘…for every democrat who cheated or voted for biden, that left my son in harm’s way, and allowed this dementia ridden piece of crap who was a treasonous man, who just got into office because he was running out of funds for his family, you did this to my son! Every democrat that’s listening you did this to my son to prop up a disgusting human being.’

Those who put this fool in office are 100% responsible, when you see them in public give them hell, they deserve every bit coming their way!

The damage being done is irrecoverable at this point…. it’s not 1776 again it’s 1861.