Dem Rep to Secret Service Dir: ‘Wish to God You Protected the WH Like You’re Protecting Your Reputation’

For once you see dems and reps in unison on the lack of protection at the White House. As much as people dislike obama imagine the nightmare that would fall on the US if something were to happen to him!? At the least race hustlers would cause riots to our enemies around the world capitalizing off it, even launching attacks against us.

Rep Lynch is correct the Director is not taking her job seriously she is more concerned with her reputation. But we must remember this is the attitude and precedent obama has set. He has created an admin with a relaxed environment of people not taking responsibility, where rule breaking is accepted which has not only put the nation in danger but himself and his family!

Do not forget IS has promised to raise the flag of allah and have already “visited” the White House. The next fence jumper could easily be a terrorist with explosives in backpack making his/ her way deep into the White House and setting it off when the first family is there!