Maxine Waters Pushes to Impeach Trump Because “Too Dangerous” To Wait Until 2020 Election 📺

Waters continues to call for Pres Trump to be impeached yet leaves out the details as to any laws broken by him to justify impeachment. Apparently in her world “acting erratic”, changing staff, appointing dangerous men like “warmonger” John Bolton are grounds to remove POTUS.

Maxine also believes the GOP.. the ESTABLISHMENT GOP, aka progressives, are intimidated by Trump to act against him! The same people who are torpedoing his admin by sand-bagging appointments, like Richard Grennell, failing to repeal obamacare, presenting the steaming pile of shit $1.3T spending bill are afraid of Trump!?

What alternative world is this DC SWAMP MONSTER living in?

It’s pretty obvious Waters is just putting on a show to amp up supporters to keep the campaign donations coming in and boost voter rolls to stay in power. This segment, with failed MSNBC host and racist Joy Reid, is nothing but propaganda to keep the collusion narrative going. The fact collusion is not a crime is never addressed either which is why they pivot on just about any story to save face with their uneducated audience.