Rep Louie Gohmert: There is a ‘Fascist Intolerance’ of Anti-Gay Remarks
Whether you like it or not Gohmert is right. Over the last few years the gay mafia has risen to a level of “power” that can only be associated to that of fascism. The message…
Whether you like it or not Gohmert is right. Over the last few years the gay mafia has risen to a level of “power” that can only be associated to that of fascism. The message…
The minority tyrants/fascists of the “tolerant” liberal/ progressive left strike again! They will march and protest about their rights and freedom of speech but if anyone goes against their grain invoking his/ her rights and…
Interesting O’Reilly segment and the Pastor makes it very clear to O’Reilly that he is not calling the emperor the anti-Christ. Pastor Jeffress even takes a nice low blow at obama that he couldn’t be…
The people at MSLSD are very sick and I blame every single Comcast stockholder, from someone who owns 10 shares to those owning millions of shares, for the crap pushed by this propaganda arm of…
Why are people submitting to minority tyrants like atheist and GLAAD? It all starts with one person whining and then next thing you know you can’t say Merry Christmas, have a Nativity scene on display,…
The war on Christmas but really Christianity/ religion continues where horrific, offensive Nativity scenes had to be removed from Gitmo dining halls! Bill O did his best to contain himself as Mikey Weinstein, of the…
The only race baiting about Santa Claus is from those who hate the FACT that he, St Nicholas, is white (caucasian)! Political correctness is off the charts out of control that this is now a…
Last night Eric Bolling had round one with the Communications Director and here is Hannity taking on the President, David Silverman, from American Atheists. How stupid are these people to argue Christmas has nothing to…
“Christians in this country don’t really care about Jesus! It’s not about Jesus, Christmas is not about Jesus.” Eric Bolling was sitting in for Bill O’Reilly and took on this soulless, lunatic from American Atheists,…
The war on Christmas continues from the radical left now they are going after schools hosting toy drives. OK I get it they have a problem with an evangelical church being involved leaving messages in…