Gov. Brewer Blocks Public Benefits for Illegal Immigrants
You know Holder and company are working up another lawsuit. Wish other governors would step up, join Brewer and issue their own Executive Order to block this backdoor amnesty.
You know Holder and company are working up another lawsuit. Wish other governors would step up, join Brewer and issue their own Executive Order to block this backdoor amnesty.
Levin makes a great point during this interview. If the Supreme Court knocks down Obamacare the Emperor will find a way around them DEFY them and find a way to implement as much of Obamacare…
Hope he’s not thinking of coming in with his own Executive Order, unless it’s an order to override the Emperors. He needs to have Congress move on this and just sign whatever they pass. …
Barack Obama BROKE the law and you all whine on the Hill! The Emperor broke laws he himself pointed out a year or so ago restrained him from acting on his own. He is an…
Charles is 100% correct that this president is out of control acting lawless. It was just last year the Emperor was saying there are laws in place to keep him from acting, he has in…
So he admits he doesn’t have the powers and there are laws in place that prevent him from granting amnesty. Make no mistake this move today in bypassing Congress is a pathway to backdoor amnesty….
“This is another example of executive overreach†Where is Congress on this? Where are the ones deemed “great champions” of the Constitution? Where is that guy who invokes the Constitution in every other sentence? West…
First there were reports of the DOJ/Homeland Security ordering over 450 million hollow point bullets. Keep in mind hollow points have one purpose. No not training, but to deliver maximum amount of damage to its…
What does DHS need with 450 million hollow point bullets? Simple explanation you will get is this is just standard procedure. Government acquisition of ammunition and supplies is ongoing yada yada. Yea we know the…
You have probably got wind of this if not surprise!! It appears the Obama regime went ahead with one of its typical friday document dumps this time on what some perceive as a power grab…