sandra fluke
Bill Maher Calls Rush Limbaugh a STUPID FAT F@#$!
Amazing this joke has a show making millions, enough so he can donate $1 mil to a Super Pac. He is defending Rush because he knows people will come for him too. What he says…
Sheila Jackson Lee Can’t Resist Invoking Fluke Controversy During Her Floor Rant for Access to Health Care
So it’s okay for liberal progressives to voice out but when a conservative or TEA party member voices out they are deemed terrorists?! You proggies are pathetic and its coming to an end!
President Obama: Apologizer-in-Chief
Bill O’Reilly: Who is Running Sandra Fluke? The White House
Some would argue this is conspiracy on O’Reilly’s part, but it makes a heck of a lot of sense when lizard lips (Anita Dunn) is mentioned to be involved. Title X Family Planning (O’Reilly mentions…
Tally of Advertisers Dropping Rush Limbaugh Hits 20
Folks what is going on is bigger than Limbaugh. What’s going on is the same as when this all started few weeks ago with the attacks on the churches.. this is an ongoing attack on…
Obama Uses Sasha and Malia in Response of Rush Limbaugh Sandra Fluke Dispute
Mark Levin – Why Would Sandra Fluke Encourage You To Go To An Anti Semitic Website
Newt Attacks Elite Media After Limbaughs Comments
Maher Responds to Limbaugh: I Can Call Palin C-word Because ‘I Don’t Have Sponsors – I’m on HBO’
Maybe its time for HBO to be nudged?!