Dem Senator Proposes Bill to Make News Media a Protected Class
DICK ‘Stolen Valor’ Blumenthal has a knack for making up laws that suit him and his party. When he Conn’s attorney general he created a law out of thin air to punish AIG executives……
DICK ‘Stolen Valor’ Blumenthal has a knack for making up laws that suit him and his party. When he Conn’s attorney general he created a law out of thin air to punish AIG executives……
Not a day should go by where anyone on the right would be surprised by the conspiracies and general whiny BS coming out of confederate democrats. For about two years we’ve watched them defend…
Whenever there is a mass killing, active shooter or terrorist attack I cringe because I know Progressives will use it to advance their anti-gun agenda. They’re anti-gun because the Second Amendment stands in the way…
The assault on our Second Amendment rights will never end regardless of who is in the White House. Sen Blumenthal says Trump is hardly committed to gun control, like this current admin and Congress, but…
When did the NRA lose credibility? The membership is skyrocketing. Who is running these polls all the progs are calling out? These are outright lies America, they are same polls used during the election and…