Rep. Allen West Fired Up Over Government Overregulation TOPICS:Allen Westallen west neil cavutocongressmandebteconomyentitlement welfare stateeveryone should have to buy a glock 9mmfood stampsindividual mandateindividual rightsiranislamic extremistsisraelmiddle eastmuslim brotherhoodnational securityObamaTaxRadical Islamrather you be a slaverecord povertyrep westRep. Allen West Fired Up Over Government Overregulationsupreme courttaxthreats from iran Posted By: BMartin1776 July 4, 2012 “I’m not going to shy away from saying the things that need to be said” Lt Col once again saying what others refuse to say today with Neil Cavuto. If I thought a write-in campaign could get West elected to POTUS I be spearheading it right now!