Pay attention to what Coulter briefly says about CA. That short statement should be the biggest warning flag to everyone in opposition to this ILLEGAL ALIEN amnesty bill (RubioCare). If this bill goes through the nation will end up like CA where being a republican, conservative is close to extinction. If you like what you see and hear about CA then do nothing be silent. If you see the danger then you must engage the left and stop RubioCare!
RubioCare is a lie and repeat of the bill passed in 1986. What happened after Reagan signed that one? NOTHING! We cannot allow the progressives to do this to the nation again it will put the final nails into the nations coffin. Any leader in favor of this ILLEGAL ALIEN amnesty bill needs to be removed from power.
The hispanic vote wasn’t the deciding factor in the emperors re-election. For the GOP to think passing RubioCare will get them “love” and more votes from the hispanic community is nonsense. The reason 0 got re-elected is because the entitlement drones were out in force because the regimes Office of Propaganda out campaigned Romney. Also keep in mind fewer people voted in the 2012 election than 2008! WHITE voters stayed home on election day, THEY were the deciding factor Nov 2012!