Yea uh huh very noble of you Johnny after you give the emperor the power to strike. Here is the problem:
Congress can declare war but cannot wage war. POTUS can wage war but cannot declare war.
Got it?
So if Congress gives (declares) the imperial emperor the power to strike Syria, his majesty can conduct (wage) the strikes in any manner he see fit, up to and including putting boots on the ground. There are already reports that there are loopholes about boots on the ground in the Senate resolution that was passed which is going to a full vote. Also when has Congress let alone this POTUS ever followed a law? Look at obamacare, it is the law of the land and is being violated multiple times. If you really believe troops are off the table in Syria you’re gravely mistaken and naive!
Assad paid attention to how we ran bombing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. You do know Assad has bunkers designed and built to take a pounding by our bunker buster bombs right?! Don’t gorget some of these bunkers require precision bombing requiring laser designation. Such targeting usually requires someone on the ground pointing the laser at the target aka painting the target! The only way to guarantee the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile is to have them destroyed by troops.
Here is the full segment from the Mike Broomhead Show