McCain’s Syrian Rebel Friends Siege Christian Village, People Left With Few Options: Live Under Dictator, Convert to Islam or Die

These are the poor poor Syrian rebels McRINO is drumming support for the emperor to assist! I’m sure there is some logical reason behind burning the churches and destroying religious symbols right Johnny? And all the foreign fighters taking part in this civil war they are just there for what moral support while the scream their war cry “Allahu Akbar”?

I’d like McRINO to explain why the American people and Congress should support the ongoing genocide of Christians in Syria and the middle east for that matter?

Folks people being told to convert to islam or die (via beheadings) is just another example why the US needs to stay out of this civil war. Anyone pushing for action will be in fact aiding these terrorists (our enemies) and contributing to the atrocities being committed. I’m not sure but I think this is just cause to charge one with treason!