Obama Says Immigration Reform “Number-One Priority” as Illegal Aliens Chain Themselves to WH Fence

The emperor as usual is lying about the support he has for immigration reform, while people in this country ILLEGALLY chain themselves to the Peoples House fence!

The emperor is ready to sign immigration reform only he and the progressives want! The people of the this country DO NOT want immigration reform. We WANT the border secure, visa program reigned in getting a head count of who is supposed to be here and whoever is here illegally thrown out!

This country cannot sustain its own let alone another 11 million plus their families etc which will break our already redlined economic system. Those that are here are not contributing to America economically let alone assimilating into our culture. Show me Americans who are in favor of more people being granted amnesty who will drain our healthcare, social entitlement systems that NEVER paid into them! Show me Americans who are all giddy about dialing #1 for english seeing signs in businesses, attractions etc that are in english and spanish!

The emperor claims he has bipartisan support for immigration reform which is deceptive as many in the GOP who support it are tools of the progressives running the show like Marco Rubio and Jeff Flake! As for House Speaker John Boehner holding things up, it’s only because he is looking for a backdoor to save his speakership. That waste of orange flesh will do or say anything to stay in power as he did to now support defunding obamacare.

Now if things weren’t bad enough 7 ILLEGAL ALIENS took it upon themselves to chain themselves to the White House fence in protest of deportations that would break families up which is really a ploy for immigration reform. How can people in this country ILLEGALLY protest? Better yet what the hell is your problem America? That should be you chaining yourself to the WH fence to protest amnesty!


illegal aliens middle fingerIllegal immigrants chain themselves to White House fence
By Stephen Dinan|The Washington Times
Seven illegal immigrants chained themselves to the White House fence Wednesday to demand President Obama halt all deportations, saying he has a moral obligation to keep families together.

“Stop deportations — not one more,” onlookers chanted as police moved in to remove the activists, who aired a live web videocast of their arrest.

A day earlier, Mr. Obama had rejected their calls, telling Telemundo, a Spanish-language network, that halting more deportations is “not an option.”

Immigrant-rights activists said 1,200 immigrants are deported every day. The seven who chained themselves to the White House fence along Pennsylvania Avenue include three from Arizona, two from Atlanta, one from New Orleans and one from New York.

Their move creates a conundrum for Mr. Obama and the Secret Service, who will have to decide whether to put the seven activists into deportation proceedings now.

The activists were infuriated Monday when Mr. Obama ruled out halting deportations.

They said the president drew the same line in his first term when he rejected calls to stop deporting young illegal immigrants, the so-called “Dreamers” who were brought to the U.S. as young children, but the president relented just ahead of the election — and went on to win a large share of Hispanic votes en route to reelection…more