I’m assuming these hecklers were libs but who knows and right now who cares because fact is republicans are as worthless as democrats! These people like the imperial emperor couldn’t run a lemonade stand and it’s OUR FAULT! Folks we need to clean house, I don’t care if you vote dem or rep just vote for someone new! I would love to see recall elections initiated right now for all them but especially the ring leaders: Reid, Boehner, McConnell, Pelosi, Boehner, McCarthy, Cantor all these people definitely need to go followed by the other career politicians who have stuck it to this nation!
Do folks realize the tyranny we fought a war over to free ourselves from we are now living under? We got rid of one king and replaced him with 535 kings, queens and one community organizing wannabe dictator!
Oh one more thing someone ought to hand Rep Scalise a Constitution and explain to him that the US is a Republic not a democracy!