Pay attention folks you are witnessing a narrative shift, a true RINO is now calling TRUE CONSERVATIVE republicans Cruz, Lee and Paul RINOs! King went on two networks and pushed this BS that Cruz Lee and Paul are RINOs! I have no doubt this attack dog of the progressive right is getting his orders from very high up the chain of command. This is something you would expect to hear out of Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz or even the Minister of Propaganda Jay Carney but now we are hearing the same language of the left coming from the right not surprising since they are all progressives.
I am really truly hating this POS RINO. King is out almost everyday attacking true conservatives who are doing what we the people expect from them and more importantly his attacks on the conservatives is an attack on the people! I hope you folks realize that when Peter King and John McCain attack the rebels in the GOP they ARE ATTACKING YOU! We have the principles they have in which these progressive destroyers are attacking!
You people in New York better get you shit together and kick this SOB King out of office, either in a recall or primary challenge.