Judge Pirro Demolishes Obama: Your Make Believe Fantasy of World Without Evil and Neutered American Military is Turning Into Nightmare Reality of Slaughter

“…Mr President your make believe fantasy of a world without evil of a neutered American military is turning into a nightmare reality of slaughter and we are the innocent lambs!”

Pirro took a bit of victory lap being right about the threat of islamic jihadists & ISIS with her call to bomb the hell out of them that many pundits are now repeating before ripping obama apart.

Obama being incompetent, hoping these blood hungry killers will fade away or someone else will deal with them isn’t likely. He knows exactly what he is doing in diminishing US power and influence around the world. The US is the only nation really able to deal with this threat but our golfer in chief is too busy to take the lead expecting someone else to do something. How could anyone who has been following ISIS for a year call them a JV team and have no strategy?! That is clear dereliction of duty while he blames(which is nothing new) the intel community.

This guy is going to get a lot of people killed eventually and he will not be able blame the intel community, republicans, TEA Party or George Bush! IMO if and when we get attacked under his watch he and the progressives (R’s & D’s) will use it for a power grab!