Reporter Confirms “Migrant” Parents Are Warned About Family Separation, Cross Into US Anyway 📺

“Migrants” on the Mexican side of the US-Mexico border are well aware their families could be separated but are willing to take the risk, because things are so bad where they’re coming from. Aside from this one shelter they stop at, who else is warning these people what will happen? American Leftist human/ civil rights groups and attorneys are very active across the border advising “migrants” what to do when the enter the US. They are warning these people what will happen, and more importantly what to say when they are apprehended. These groups have aided in causing the problems we’re having on the border with illegal aliens and their kids being separated from them.

Yes there is crime and violence in Mexico, Central and South America but we have all of that here in the US. Chicago, Baltimore and other cities are killing fields. America has a drug epidemic, unemployment, veterans not getting the care they need, and people living in poverty to just name a few of out problems. Yet because of the free-stuff made available and democrats pandering to illegals these parents are willing to take that risk as reported.

If you want to stop “migrants” from entering, the spigot for all the free-stuff needs to be shut off. Illegal aliens need to be sent back within hours of apprehension. Those claiming asylum better have a better story than drug and gang violence, and poor economic conditions. Christians escaping the middle east are legit asylum seekers, as they’re still be exterminated by the few remnants of ISIS. Jose and Maria looking for better work, or wanting to get away from the cartels isn’t enough. But the absolute best deterrent to “migrants” crossing over illegally is a wall, a LARGE border wall.