Reid: ‘We’re Going to Do Something About Hobby Lobby Legislation We Need to Correct’

What needs to be corrected with the Hobby Lobby decision? This was a very specific decision by the Supreme Court and because socialists in the Senate don’t like it they are going to write new legislation to override the court’s decision!!? This is a major problem in this country where some body is always trying to overrule another. Be it Reid trying to legislatively reverse a SCOTUS ruling, CA voters having their will overridden or emperor obama waving his magic pen violating the law! The nation is on fire and this is where the Senate majority leaders priorities are? FYI Dingy the contraception mandate was NOT in obamacare! Had you read the bill before passing it you would low that!

What you have here folks is just another example of the US being a POST-Constitutional Republic. The ruling elite will overrule each other if need be to get their agenda through. Our government was never set up to be this destructive and tyrannical. We are supposed to be able to remove tyrants but they have been allowed to stay in power for so long they are changing the laws to hold that power indefinitely!

Harry Reid is the worst Senate majority leader in US history right next to obama being the worst president! Thank you Nevada voters, you twits!