Bill Whittle: Dependence Day
PJTV’s Bill Whittle explains how our most basic freedoms and rights are under attack by our own government. He cites how dependence in a welfare state this nation can be taken down from within compared…
PJTV’s Bill Whittle explains how our most basic freedoms and rights are under attack by our own government. He cites how dependence in a welfare state this nation can be taken down from within compared…
I don’t agree with Whittle’s apology in the beginning but it is what it is. I’ve left my argument against voting third party this election year on the welcome page for a long time; I…
In his last Afterburner of 2011, Bill Whittle takes a look at the state of this country three years into Obama’s rule and has amassed a list of breathtaking failures bound to stun and/or depress…
EVERYBODY knows that Republicans are EVIL! What kind of Evil? Greedy, Fascist, Racist evil — the worst kind! Bill Whittle unravels the facts behind this perfect storm of evil in a breezy fashion that provides…