Teen Confronts Nancy Pelosi on NSA
Listen to Pelosi fumble a simple straight forward question from a teen! The NSA does not have a legitimate reason to store Americans metadata! She can’t answer him so she does what all propagandists do…
Listen to Pelosi fumble a simple straight forward question from a teen! The NSA does not have a legitimate reason to store Americans metadata! She can’t answer him so she does what all propagandists do…
Like this is any surprise although I don’t see why the NSA would go through such lengths because when it gets to the end user they will gain full access and know whats on it,…
We are to believe the NSA is only using this wireless technology against terrorists, drug cartels etc and not on Americans?! I’d like to know what hand the tech companies are playing in allowing…
Petey King is a big government progressive RINO who is threatened by anyone who is in favor of the rule of law and following the Constitution. What the NSA is doing, that King vehemently defends,…
Very noble cause on behalf of the American people but I’m not holding my breath for anything positive to come of this. This suit may, MAY have a better chance if some demoncrat was to…
Did you expect anything else from a NY judge? This contradicts the ruling from a DC judge saying it isn’t legal! This ruling and abuse of our privacy rights will clearly be going to the…
According to all the whistleblowers, whose lives have been turned upside down, what he is saying here is a flat-out lie. Just remember kids it’s all for your protection.
Awesome the Judge is blasting everyone who thinks it is okay to spy on half the country! “… Anybody who thinks it is consistent with the Constitution for spies in the United States of America,…
‘I do not expect to see home again’ Well you can be sure the imperial regime will charge Edward Snowden under the Espionage Act and whatever else they can conjure up! He will meet the…
The Constitution isn’t respected by this admin and is why they violate the Fourth Amendment and our other rights on a routine basis. We have no one in DC who will actually take action to…