Paul Ryan: Nov. 6, We Take Our Country Back
Ryan wastes no time after the announcement of being Romneys running mate to go after the Emperor “Hope and change has become attack and blame!”
Ryan wastes no time after the announcement of being Romneys running mate to go after the Emperor “Hope and change has become attack and blame!”
Great speech that sounded more like a presidential speech than a VP! Couple times Ryan was taking direct shots at the Emperor! “America, America is more than just a place though, America is an idea….
“Well, there’s an intelligence, and intellect difference. This guy is staggering in his intellect. Joe Biden is OK but he’s no big whooping brain. I think Ryan will cut him to pieces in that debate.”…
Just think he said this before being picked for VP. Ryan will decimate Biden in the VP debates. This election is going to be nuts!! America’s Comeback Team
I am proud to announce @paulryanvp as my VP.Stand with us #RomneyRyan2012 — Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) August 11, 2012 So how many ways will we see attack ads against Romney-Ryan of Grandma meeting some…