Just think he said this before being picked for VP. Ryan will decimate Biden in the VP debates. This election is going to be nuts!!
Paul Ryan: How to Defeat Obama
TOPICS:Americas comeback teamannounce vp choicebudgetcbocongressdeficitDeficitselectionfood stampsgovernment welfarehealth carejobsmitt romneymitt romney paul ryanpaul ryanPaul Ryan How to Defeat Obamapaul ryan vice presidential candidatePaul Ryan VP pickpovertyromney announce vp pickRomney announces Ryan as running materomney chooses paul ryanRomney Chose Ryan as Running Materomney ryanromney ryan 2012romney to announce vpRomney VP Pick Paul RyanRomney-Ryan TicketRomneyRyan2012RR 2012running mateRyan Romneysummittapped Wisconsin RepunemploymentUSS Wisconsinvice presidentVPvp announcementvp pickvp selectionWhite Housewisconsin
Posted By: BMartin1776 August 11, 2012