Dr. Zuhdi Jasser Rails Against Virulent Anti-Semite Truthers Planning 9/11 Muslim March

Where are the other moderates muslims to speak out against this march? Dr Jasser seems to be on his own as usual as I never see anyone else in the muslim community speak out against the radicals. This march is a disgrace run by a bunch of truthers and anti-semites. The propaganda they are spreading around to promote this insult to Americans is layered in marxist language of social justice.

The odds these people will get a million to show up are very slim but they will no doubt get help from the racists Sharpton and Farrakhan!

I have a bigger problem though, let me ask this: Why haven’t the American people staged a million man march on DC over the debt, abuse by the IRS NSA, calls for the truth on Benghazi & Fast and Furious, attacks on our Second Amendment rights etc etc?