Rush: Knowing The Kind Of Quasi-Dictator Mentality He Has, Why Should Obama Negotiate On Shutdown?

Emperor 0 keeps saying he will negotiate when the extremists stop holding the nation hostage. The rebels in the GOP have backed off their demands yet the regime continues to push this lie of a willingness to negotiate. The boy king will only talk to the republicants when they concede this standoff to stop obamacare. The regime has and will always have a my way or the highway policy. The only negotiating his majesty wants to have is how to implement his agenda.

The boy king wants this shutdown for political points so right now there is no incentive for him to talk about a middle ground where the fair thing to do would be delay 0bamacare for everyone for a year. Makes sense its fair but he and Dingy Reid will not even agree to that! So knowing that what does that tell you as to who wants a shutdown?!