Hillary Clinton like her husband is nothing but an opportunist who plays her followers to gain power and control. Technically as Sec of State she achieved nothing except get four men killed in Benghazi and help emperor obama destroy US foreign relations. But in this new world created by progressives you no longer have to have accomplishments, they have in fact turned the political world into a popularity contest and an almost mirror image of Hollywood. This video actually gives good insight as to how Bronco ‘bama got elected because its the same stupid logic they used the first time around. What will that mean for us in 2016 if this WITCH runs for POTUS??
The drones in the video praise her for all the traveling she did! How is visiting a nation something to brag about? Having achievements and accomplishments are now optional for politicians who prey on people with fancy speeches. All you need to do today is speak eloquently or be caught up in some type of scandal (preferably sex) take a page from Tony Robins to make the drones feel inspired and you are set for life! The recipe should sound familiar, its how many reality tv stars have come about who like politicians offer absolutely nothing, have no skills, no talents and they do not build/ create anything!