Paul Ryan is showing his true colors to the country that many of us saw after he and Romney lost the 2012 election. He went dark following the election only to show up in July 2013 telling a town hall “We’re going to vote on a bill to legalize people who are undocumented.”
It turns out he was working behind the scenes on immigration reform with none other than open border advocate Luis Gutierrez!
The Speaker told WCLO that he wants Trump to hold off ending DACA, and leave it to Congress for a solution. Ya know, the same people who LIED to the country for 7 years they would repeal obamacare!
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) September 1, 2017
DREAMERs (under DACA) are not US citizens, they have no legal right to be here. Their parents entered the country illegally, with them in tow, where barack obama took it upon himself to create law, out of thin air, giving those kids temporary legal status. Now we have a sitting US Speaker of the House wanting to more or less keep an unconstitutional/ illegal “law” in force!
Keep in mind this is the same Paul Ryan who said, on Hannity in 2014, obama’s executive amnesty is “blatantly unconstitutional.”
What Ryan and company are going to do is push for full comprehensive immigration reform that he told constituents he was going to do 4 years ago.
Paul Ryan is not a friend to the Trump administration. He like Mitch McConnell and the majority of republicans are actively working against POTUS. They are as this site warned a cancer to Trump’s agenda.
The American people do not want comprehensive immigration reform because we know it will result in amnesty for illegal aliens. Every single time these jerks in DC propose a comprehensive bill it becomes a monster seizing power, taking rights away and enabling the uneducated, uninformed, permanent, dependent voting class.
DC does not care about illegal aliens in the US. Progressive republicans and democrats only pander to them because they represent a new pool of voters to keep them in power. Keeping DACA in force or going a step further to actually create it into US law is a slap in voters face. Sorry for those kids here, but they like their parents have no right to be here, let alone be granted to move to the front of the line ahead of people coming here by the book.
There is only one simple immigration plan Americans will accept that this site will introduce in the near future, stay tuned!