While we’re all distracted trying to stay healthy from the China virus another threat is headed to the US in the form of a “migrant” caravan! Yea if you think our medical system is strained to it’s limits now what do you think would happen if any of these 3 now caravans were to make it to the US?! Aside from the diseases we know they carry, how many have the China virus?
The group of invaders have been on the move since March 12th so they’re about or have already attempted to breach Guatemala’s border.
Mexico has done a good job as of late keeping the invading hoards back but they’re also not taking the virus seriously yet.
Coronavirus advice from Mexico’s president: ‘Live life as usual’
Mexico’s President Is Resisting Coronavirus Restrictions as the Rest of the World Shuts Down
It will be interesting to see how well Mexico will defend their border when approx 500 illegal aliens attempt to cross headed north to the US.
Aside from the negative social and economic impact illegals have on the US, in the age of an epidemic you can now understand why border security is so important as the public health is also threatened. Could our Border Patrol handle a rush on the border right now??
The SOB’s behind this caravan are most likely the same groups when the first caravan hit in 2018. Pretty selfish of these people to head to the US now with everything brought to a standstill. If anything that should tell all Americans these people have no respect for any of us; republican, conservative, democrat or liberal. They just want to come to the US to get whatever free stuff they can.
New migrant caravan heads to Chiapas
José Cancino/ Diario de Chiapas Mar 12, 2020 [via Google Translate]
“A new migrant caravan left in the last hours from San Pedro, Sula, bound for Guatemala and consecutively for Chiapas, in search of trying to enter Mexico and advance towards the northern border.
The contingent, which this time would have been made up of around 500 people, would arrive in the early hours of the morning at the Agua Caliente border, which divides Guatemala and Honduras.
At that point, the botched authorities await with a medical deployment to make sure that some of the migrants do not travel with symptoms of coronavirus and advance through this Central American country.
The call arose for a few days and the starting point was the bus terminal in that country, where those who now emigrate indicated that they leave their land due to the lack of job opportunities and the harsh violence that prevails at the expense of the authorities.
The contingent would be arriving this Thursday afternoon or Friday during the day at Tecún Umán, San Marcos, adjacent to the Suchiate river and Ciudad Hidalgo, Chiapas.
The National Institute of Migration (INM) has reported that only Honduran citizens who have the necessary documentation to seek their legal stay or who can obtain refuge status in southern Mexico will be able to access the country.
Meanwhile, the banks of the Suchiate River continue to be watched by few elements of the National Guard (GN) and immigration agents, but in the next few hours the security fence could be reinforced.
With this new group on the way, it would be the third caravan that would attempt to enter Mexico. Just in January, a first group confirmed by two thousand people was disintegrated and another achievement penetrated by routes far from the military presence, but in the municipality of Frontera Hidalgo they were encapsulated and sent back to their country.”