Biden Claims Trump is Only One Calling to Defund the Police


Joe Biden, the man who said he ‘absolutely’ supports redirecting funding for police, claims Pres Trump is the one calling to defund the police! When one “redirects” something like money away from a project, organization or department to be spent elsewhere that means you’re defunding them, regardless of the word salad excuse they use.

If what Biden said here is true about Trump, then why are police unions endorsing him? It makes no sense and Joe has a way of screwing facts up, like when he said Edison did not invent the light bulb!

FTR a black man by the name of Lewis Latimer invented a better CARBON FILAMENT than the one Edison used.

Can you imagine this guy as president screwing facts up while dealing with Russia, China, Iran or North Korea! He’s a walking cluster f*ck incapable of speaking coherently.

A vote for Joe is a vote for social workers and shrinks to respond to 911 calls! Yea, that will work out well when one is beating the hell out of someone or far worse.

A vote for Joe is a vote to make America Portland or worse, Venezuela!