Currency Crisis Coming Will Be Worse Than 2008 Crash (Watch)
“..the Fed has to stop buying bonds as it tries to unwind its balance sheet, but in doing that we’re going to prick a lot of bubbles. Stocks are going to crash, real estate is…
Read More“..the Fed has to stop buying bonds as it tries to unwind its balance sheet, but in doing that we’re going to prick a lot of bubbles. Stocks are going to crash, real estate is…
Read MoreI’ve never liked this clown Dennis Kneale from Fox Business, he sounds just like all the deniers back in 2007. GDP at 3% is nothing to brag about Reagan had it 6% after 3 years…
Stock market pop is a result of the fed pumping $85 billion a month into the money supply. Ask yourself do you think there would be 100+ million Americans out of work if the economy…
We are on an unsustainable course spending money we don’t have, while the Fed continues to pump $85 billion a month into the money supply. With Yellen in as Fed Chair and obama continuing business…
Darth Hussein’s Fed chair pick will be someone who will continue business as usual of printing/ digitizing money vs the recommendations Peter Schiff is making that will spare us some pain. Take note what I…
Maria Bartiromo should know better than to question Peter Schiff. It took a few years and a lot of abuse but he ended up being right about the housing/ market crash of ’07/08, which he…
Pay attention to Maria Bartiromo and Michael Farr, the last time I saw people skeptic like this towards Schiff was before 2008 crash, ya know the one he called! He was right then he will…
Sooner or later the bubble economy is going to burst. Dollar is being devalued daily as the Fed prints money while keeping interest rates low. Something is going to give, either way it will not…
Pompous ass said he would leave if the assault weapons ban failed and Campfield called him out on it! Campfield then traps the jerk into admitting that he is in favor of a complete ban…
Ok simple way to sum up whats going on: Powers that be making gold cheap to buy before the collapse…